HR UPDATE: Friday 13th October
Please see below some reminders of some things we are seeing slip across the business. Any questions please ask - just comment below or email
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1) Calling in sick
If you are not well enough to work please make sure you call a manager as soon as you know you cannot work. It’s called “calling in sick” not “texting in sick” and although a lot of our communication is through Whatsapp this is an unacceptable method when you are not coming into work. So please pick up the phone and make sure you speak to a manager if that is the case.
2) ID. Verification
We’ve been mystery shopped by Star twice recently and failed on ID verification both times. This is not a choice, or inconvenience to you to ask for ID - it’s the law.
If a customer looks under the age of 21 (which a lot do) you are to ID them with absolutely no exceptions.
It is not enough to think they look over 18, the customer has to look over 21. I will be in touch with you all separately about completing the online training on this topic.
For reference the date of birth of someone over 18 is the day's date in 2005.
3) Uniform Inventory
I’ve asked repeatedly for your input on the uniform inventory that we’re currently undertaking and still only had a few responses.
Our branded tops and hoodies are a big expense to the business, particularly with items going missing or not being returned when people leave.
As a result we have introduced a new policy where we will be withholding your final weeks pay at the end of your employment until all of your uniform is returned to us washed and in a wearable condition.
If I have not heard from you by the end of the week I will assume you have 5 items. Each item is £30 and each missing item will be charged from your final pay accordingly, so it’s in your interest to get back to me with the actual figure so you aren’t charged for additional items you don’t have.
4) Holiday Requests
Please remember that the process for requesting time off is to do so through the Rota Ready app, not to ask Leon in passing when you see him. There’s many reasons for this, but ultimately we pay a lot of money to Rota Ready for this convenience so please use it. Leon is not always in the pub, and without immediate visibility of bookings, events and other people’s availability this is becoming impossible to manage.
Just follow the process and request on rota ready please. If I’ve not got back to you, you all have my number to give me a nudge if you are waiting to book tickets, flights or accommodation. Also a reminder to not book a holiday before you have had it approved in Rota Ready.
5) Company Handbook and Job Description
I sent you all a copy of the Dallas Pub Company Handbook and your Job Description via Docusign but I did not receive signed copies from many people. This is a shame, there’s some important information in both documents. The Job Description clearly outlines what is expected of you, and the management team have worked hard to make The Handbook an easy to understand, readable document not a 100 page legal jargon nightmare.
I’ve attached copies of both to this page. Please take the time to read and understand your roles and responsibilities as an employee of the Dallas Pub Company. Regardless of whether or not you read it you will be held to these standards, so it makes sense for you to take 20 minutes to know what is expected of you.
Any questions as always please ask.